14 research outputs found

    Role of 18F-FDG PET/CT in the diagnosis of inflammatory and infectious vascular disease

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    This review article discusses the utility of 18F-FDG PET/CT in diagnosis and management of vascular disease. We stress usefulness of this method in large vessel inflammation and infection. In our work we based on the literature analysis and clinical cases diagnosed in our institution by use of 18F-FDG PET/CT. The literature exploration was focusing on vascular inflammation and infections and 18-FDG PET. The search was performed on PubMed database and cross referencing. We present the practical review with several images of vascular diseases like: Takayasu arteritis, giant cell arteritis, vascular graft infections, abdominal aortic aneurysm infections and cases of aortitis and periaortitis. From this work inflammation associated with atheromatic process and vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque we excluded. 18F-FGD PET/CT is a sensitive metabolic, reliable, non-invasive imaging modality suitable for diagnosis and follow-up of inflammation and infections in vascular system. This review article discusses the utility of 18F-FDG PET/CT in diagnosis and management of vascular disease. We stress usefulness of this method in large vessel inflammation and infection. In our work we based on the literature analysis and clinical cases diagnosed in our institution by use of 18F-FDG PET/CT. The literature exploration was focusing on vascular inflammation and infections and 18-FDG PET. The search was performed on PubMed database and cross referencing. We present the practical review with several images of vascular diseases like: Takayasu arteritis, giant cell arteritis, vascular graft infections, abdominal aortic aneurysm infections and cases of aortitis and periaortitis. From this work inflammation associated with atheromatic process and vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque we excluded. 18F-FGD PET/CT is a sensitive metabolic, reliable, non-invasive imaging modality suitable for diagnosis and follow-up of inflammation and infections in vascular system

    Uczeń zdolny – analiza dostępnych narzędzi diagnostycznych

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    Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu "Opracowanie i wdrożenie kompleksowego systemu pracy z uczniem zdolnym"Publikacja współfinansowana ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społeczneg

    Coinfection with Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Polyoma BK Virus (BKPyV) in Laryngeal, Oropharyngeal and Oral Cavity Cancer

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    Most research providing evidence for the role of oncogenic viruses in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) development is focused on one type of virus without analyzing possible interactions between two or more types of viruses. The aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence of co-infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) and polyoma BK virus (BKPyV) in oral, oropharyngeal and laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas in Polish patients. The correlations between viral infection, SCC, demographic parameters, evidence of metastases and grading were also investigated. Fresh-frozen tumour tissue samples were collected from 146 patients with laryngeal, oropharyngeal and oral cancer. After DNA extraction, the DNA of the studied viruses was detected using polymerase chain rection (PCR) assay. Males (87.7%) with a history of smoking (70.6%) and alcohol abuse (59.6%) prevailed in the studied group. Histological type G2 was recognized in 64.4% cases. The patients were most frequently diagnosed with T2 stage (36.3%) and with N1 stage (45.8%). Infection with at least two viruses was detected in 56.2% of patients. In this group, co-infection with HPV/EBV was identified in 34.1% of cases, EBV/BKV in 23.2%, HPV/BKV in 22.0%, and HPV/EBV/BKV in 20.7%. No difference of multiple infection in different locations of cancer was observed. The prevalence of poorly differentiated tumours (G3) was more frequent in co-infection with all three viruses than EBV or BKV alone. A significant correlation was observed between tumour dimensions (T) and lymph-node involvement (N) in co-infected patients compared to single infection. Further studies are necessary to clarify whether co-infection plays an important role in the initiation and/or progression of oncogenic transformation of oral, oropharyngeal and laryngeal epithelial cells

    Serum Level of MMP-3 and MMP-9 in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Infected with Epstein-Barr Virus

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    Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) has recently become one of the most important health problems in the world. Patients with DM2 with long-term glycaemia are more likely to become infected than the healthy population. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a key role in tissue remodeling during various physiological processes. However, it has been reported that certain MMPs are overexpressed during the development of various human diseases. In this study, we analyzed the levels of MMP-3 and MMP-9 in the serum of DM2 patients with and without Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The study included 115 patients with DM2 hospitalized in the Internal Ward of the Masovian Specialist Hospital in Radom, Poland, who were divided into two groups: EBV-positive and EBV-negative. The levels of MMP-3 and MMP-9 were tested in the serum of patients using the ELISA method, while the presence of EBV in saliva was tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The presented studies showed a significant difference in the concentration of both MMPs in diabetic patients additionally infected with EBV compared to the group of non-infected individuals. It seems that MMPs may be useful biomarkers in the diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of diabetes associated with EBV infection

    Analysis of the Relationship of the Degree of Aviation Sector Development with Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Measures of Economic Development in the European Union Countries

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    The rapid growth of aviation over the past fifty years has resulted in numerous negative environmental impacts due to the combustion of fossil fuels in aircraft engines. This paper presents the relationship between air transport and GHG emissions. Based on data on the development of aviation, the level of GHG emissions from transport, environmental tax revenues and the amount of GDP per capita in the countries of the European Union, an attempt was made to create a typification that would illustrate the interaction of GHG emissions with air transport, environmental taxes and GDP in the years 2009–2018. The next step to confirm the obtained results was the application of statistical methods: the TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method of linear ordering and the Perkal index. Based on the study findings, the analyzed countries were divided into three groups: the group of innovators, the stable group and the group of students. The analysis revealed the relationship of all three analyzed variables with air transport. The development of the aviation sector leads to a significant increase in GHG emissions from transport, increased revenues from environmental taxes and acceleration of the rate of economic growth of a country

    Assessment of patient satisfaction in conservative wards at the Independent Public Health Care Unit in Krasnik

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    Wprowadzenie i cel pracy. Badanie satysfakcji pacjenta jest integralnym kryterium oceny jakości jednostki ochrony zdrowia. Przeprowadzanie go pozwala na dostosowanie zakładu opieki zdrowotnej do potrzeb i oczekiwań pacjenta, jak również wpływa na budowanie pozytywnego wizerunku ośrodka na rynku świadczeniodawców. Celem badania było poznanie opinii pacjentów oddziałów zachowawczych na temat poziomu zadowolenia z opieki medycznej realizowanej w szpitalu powiatowym, w zależności od ich miejsca zamieszkania. Materiał i metoda. Badanie satysfakcji pacjentów prowadzono w dwóch kolejnych latach (w okresie od grudnia 2011 do stycznia 2012 oraz w lutym 2013 roku) na odpowiednio 160 i 148 pacjentach (zwrotność ankiet 87%–94%) w Samodzielnym Publicznym Zakładzie Opieki Zdrowotnej w Kraśniku na 5 oddziałach szpitalnych. Narzędziem badawczym były autorskie ankiety. Przeprowadzono analizę statystyczną na istotność miejsca zamieszkania pacjentów. Wyniki. W module opieki pielęgniarskiej najwyżej oceniane były uprzejmość pielęgniarek i szybkość reagowania na wezwania (2013 – 98,6% ocen dobrych), najniżej udzielanie informacji i dostępność po południu i w nocy (w 2012 – ok. 7% ocen złych lub dostatecznych). Praca lekarzy była oceniana ogólnie dobrze. Jednak co 7–14 pacjent wystawił ocenę dostateczną lub złą w każdej kategorii. Największe nieprawidłowości odnotowano w zakresie czasu poświęconego pacjentom i udzielania informacji (odpowiednio co 7 i co 6 pacjent wystawił ocenę dostateczną lub złą). Istotność statystyczna pod względem miejsca zamieszkania wykazana została m.in. dla jakości żywienia oraz dostępności sklepów. Wnioski. Systematyczne badanie satysfakcji pacjenta z opieki szpitalnej może przyczynić się do jej doskonalenia i zapewnienia poziomu zgodnego z oczekiwaniami świadczniobiorców i świadczeniodawców. Zadowolenia hospitalizowanych pacjentów zależało od miejsca zamieszkania.Introduction and aim of the study. A patient satisfaction survey is an integral criterion of the assessment of the quality of a health care unit. It allows for adjusting the health care unit to the patient›s needs and expectations, and it also influences the development of a positive image of the unit on the health care provider market. The aim of the study was to recognize the opinion of patients in conservative wards concerning the level of satisfaction with heath care provided at a district hospital, according to their place of residence. Material and method. The patient satisfaction survey was conducted over two consecutive years from December 2011 to January 2012 and in February 2013) with the participation of 160 and 148 patients, respectively (the questionnaire return rate ranged from 87% – 94%) in 5 hospital wards at the Independent Public Health Care Unit in Kraśnik. Questionnaires prepared by the author were the research tool. Statistical analysis for the significance of the patients’ place of residence was performed. Results. In the nursing care module, nurses’ kindness and prompt responses to being called (2013 – 98.6% of ‘good’ scores), while information provision and availability in the afternoons and at night scored the lowest (in 2012, approx. 7% ‘bad’ and ‘sufficient’ scores). Physician’s work received good scores in general. However, every 7–14 patient gave a ‘sufficient’ or ‘bad’ score in every category. The greatest irregularities were noted regarding the time devoted to patients and provision of information (every 7th and every 6th patient gave a ‘bad’ or ‘sufficient’ score, respectively). The statistical significance for the place of residence was confirmed for the food quality and availability of shops. Conclusions. Regular patient satisfaction surveys concerning hospital care may contribute to its improvement and ensuring a level consistent with patients› and service providers› expectations. The satisfaction of hospitalized patients depended on the place of residence

    Stress and ways of dealing with stress in the work of professionally active teachers

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    Introduction. Stress is an inherent part of human life. It is well known and often associated with negative professional or family situations. Stress is not dangerous to our body, but it reacts to it.Aim of work. The aim of the study was to investigate the stressors of professionally working teachers.Material and methods. The research was conducted from November 2016 to May 2017 among teachers working in primary schools in the Lubelskie Voivodship. The study covered 77 respondents. The diagnostic survey was used in the study, which was carried out through a self-report questionnaire. Calculations were made using Microsoft Office Excel 2010.Results. Researchers believe that the best way to cope with stress is to talk to loved ones (57%) and practice sports (39%). The respondents reported that they had neglected social interaction (25%) and had no leisure time for themselves and their family (44%). In the opinion of the respondents the greatest source of stress is noise (60%), which is most often encountered in the corridor during intercourse breaks. The most frequently reported symptom of somatic symptoms was headache (45%). The respondents do not see the possibility of promotion (44%) and some respondents want to improve their qualifications (34%) only to be able to stay in their position.Conclusions. Teachers should have clearly defined roles, less stressed, have optimized tasks, a sense of safety, a good work atmosphere, regular and objective assessments, and specific career paths that can eliminate stressful situations in the teaching profession

    Comparison of TGF-β, IL-10 levels and LMP-1 in gastric and oropharyngeal carcinoma associated with EBV infection

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    Increasing interest has been focused on the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-associated cancers, including oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) and gastric cancer (GC). Different cytokines, growth factors and proteins take part in oncogenesis. The aim of our study was to generate a comparison of interleukin 10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) levels, as well as latent membrane protein (LMP-1), Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBVCA), Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA) and early antigen (EA) frequency in the serum of patients with GC and OPC. The study involved 50 patients with diagnosed GC and 50 patients with OPC. All studied patients were EBV positive. Fresh-frozen tumor tissue fragments were tested using nested PCR assay for EBV DNA detection. Sera from all individuals were investigated using ELISA tests to detect the presence of EBVCA IgG, EBNA IgG, EA IgG, as well as to determine the levels of IL-10 and TGF-β. The obtained results were subjected to statistical analysis. In patients with GC, the levels of TGF-β and IL-10 were significantly higher than in OPC patients. However, the frequency and level of EBVCA, EBNA and EA in patients with OPC and GC were not significantly different. In contrast, TGF-β and IL-10 levels were significantly higher in EBVaGC, as compared to OPC, suggesting their role in gastric carcinogenesis. The differences in frequency of LMP-1 detection in patients with OPC and GC may suggest different mechanism of oncogenesis. Further studies are required to clarify the role of Epstein-Barr virus in cancer development

    Serum and Tissue Level of TLR9 in EBV-Associated Oropharyngeal Cancer

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    The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is associated with the development of various epithelial malignancies including cancer in the head and neck region. Several studies have shown that Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are required for an innate immune response to infection with human DNA viruses, e.g., EBV. During viral infections, TLR response may influence the transformation to malignancy. The aim of the study was to assess TLR9 serum and tissue level in EBV(+) and EBV(−) oropharyngeal cancer patients. The study involved 78 patients: 42 EBV(+) and 36 EBV(−). EBV DNA was detected in fresh frozen tumor tissue. TLR9 level was measured in homogenate of tumor tissue and in serum. Moreover, in serum samples IL-10, VEGF, TGFβ, TNFα and antibodies against EBV were detected using ELISA test. TLR9 level was significantly lower in EBV(+) patients, both in tissue and serum, while EBVCA, EBNA and VEGF level was statistically higher in EBV(+) patients. An increase in EBVCA and EBNA antibodies titer was correlated with a TLR9 level decrease. TLR9 level was higher in poorly-differentiated tumors (G3), in tumor of larger dimensions (T3-T4) and with lymph nodes involvement (N3-N4) but without statistical significance. High levels of anti-EA antibodies in the majority of EBV(+) patients may point to the reactivation of EBV infection

    Prevalence of Epstein-Barr virus, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus type 1 in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in south-eastern Poland.

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    A microbiota is a complex ecosystem of microorganisms consisting of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi living in different niches of the human body, which plays an essential role in many metabolic functions. Modifications in the microbiota composition can lead to several diseases, including metabolic disorders. The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of four viruses which can cause persistent infections-Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human papillomavirus (HPV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), and herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). Blood, saliva and oral swabs were collected from all the study participants. The nested-PCR technique was used to detect the viral DNA. DNA of at least one virus was detected in 71.1% of diabetic patients and in 30% of individuals without diabetes. In patients with diabetes EBV DNA was detected the most frequently (25.4%), followed by HPV- 19.1%, HSV- 10.4% and CMV- 5.2%. A higher percentage of EBV+HPV co-infection was found among men (30.8%). EBV DNA was statistically more often detected in patients living in rural areas (53.7%), while HPV (91.5%) and EBV+HPV co-infection (22.2%) prevailed among patients from urban areas. In patients with a DM2 history longer than 10 years viral infection was detected more frequently. The prevalence of EBV, HPV and the EBV+HPV co-infection was significantly higher in diabetic patients than in individuals without diabetes. The frequency of these infections depended on the duration of the disease (DM2)